How to make a referral to CAPS

How to make a referral to CAPS

It’s important to know your limits as a member of staff wanting to help a student in distress. Only do as much as your skill, and training and resources permit. In case the student in your care needs more help refer them to the profession counseling service provided by the institute.

When you have determined that more professional help is warranted communicate this need to the student in a very straightforward but concerned manner. Letting them know that you are limited in the help you can provide, therefore you aren’t abandoning them rather taking the next step with them. Discuss the students’ concern regarding professional help, normalize counselling and provide them information about the services provided by the university.

Understand that the student has a complete right to accept or refuse unless it’s an emergency situation. If the student refuses, maybe talk to them again at a later date if you feel it wouldn’t make the student comfortable. Let them know why you are concerned so they can see the reason for seeking help.

Many students are reluctant to seek help so it is important to normalize the procedure for them. Provide them with information regarding CAPS confidentiality policy and talk about how therapy is a sign of courage and strength.

End by providing the student with the relevant contact information for them to make an appointment (email: and emergency number: 0307-0247704) Let them know that the therapy is free of cost. 
Where you assess it may be helpful, please connect the student with the advising unit of your programme so that they may contact CAPS through them.

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